Chat with a librarian. If a librarian is not currently available, submit your question and we will get back with you as soon as possible.
Use this search box to search the physical holdings of the library (books, DVDs, etc).
AtoZ The World |
AtoZ World Food |
Biography Reference Bank |
Encyclopedia Britannica Online Collection of authoritative encyclopedia articles covering all areas of information. |
Gale Reference Collection of reference books on a wide variety of subjects such as biographies, education, the environment, history, literature, medicine, multicultural studies, the nation and world, religion, science, and social science. |
Salem History |
Salem Health |
Salem Literature Collection of literary reference works such as the Critical Insights series, Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Critical Survey of Poetry and Magill's Literary Annual and Masterplots, 4th Edition. |
Salem Science Collection of science reference works such as the Encyclopedia of Mathematics & Society, Encyclopedia of Energy, Encyclopedia of Global Resources, and Encyclopedia of Global Warming. |
Tips: At the moment, this search only includes videos from Films on Demand. Click on the database links below to search more titles.
Off-campus access requires a HindsNet login and password.
Popular | Educational | Career |
Films on Demand (Academic and Technical) Kanopy Films (Documentary) Alexander Street Press (Health) |
Career & Job Search |
Please click here for more information on streaming videos and additional search options.
Hinds District Libraries now offer Hoopla for its patrons. Hoopla is a leading provider of entertainment media products and services. It provides an enormous selection of digital video (movies and TV shows), music, audiobooks, ebooks and comics. Content is available through computer browsers, phones, tablets, and TV products. Hinds Libraries currently limits patron borrowing to 5 titles per month. Please click on the slide title to learn more about Hoopla and how to sign up.
Are you looking for information on citing sources and generating citations? Check out our "Researching and Citing" LibGuide. It contains all you will need to know on citing sources correctly. Click on slide title to go directly to the Researching and Citing LibGuide.
A HindsCC reading list guide based on the Mississippi Humanities Council Anti-Racism reading list
It is stated that " our kidneys filter all our blood 25x a day (about 180 litres a day.)"
There are several stages:
Other factors of kidney Disease:
There are 3 Acute types of Kidney Failure:
Knowledge is Power. Be Healthy and live life to the fullness!
For more information contact:
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For your reading and listening enjoyment.
Due to frigid temperatures, Hinds Community College will be VIRTUAL on Tuesday, Jan 21,2025. Library staff will be able to help via chat and email.
Welcome to HCC Libraries' Valentine's Date with an E-Book!
Ten great Mystery E-Book Dates are ready and waiting to meet a reader this Valentine's Day!
Could that lucky reader be YOU?