5.8 Circulation Operations
5.8.1 Materials, Loan Periods & Fines
5.8.2 Lost Materials & Fines
5.8.3 Damaged Materials
5.8.4 Replacement of Lost or Damaged Materials
5.8.1 Materials & Loan Periods (updated Dec. 2020)
Patrons and Records
As part of the Mississippi Library Partnership (MLP), Hinds CC libraries add their bibliographic and patron databases to the Integrated Library System (ILS) housed at MSU and use this system for its circulation, online catalog, acquisitions, and serials. The Technical Services cataloger is in charge of ensuring the uploads to the ILS of these records as well as the patron loads are accurate, current, and timely.
MS Library Partnership (MLP) Library Circulation & Fine Policies
Circulation of MLP Materials
MLP patrons, including Hinds CC patrons, may request items via their library Holds system. Checkout limits and other rules of the lending library apply. A courier from MSU comes to Hinds CC each Monday to pick up and drop off books. Depending upon transportation schedules, items may take up to fifteen days to arrive.
Circulation Policies of MLP
Circulation periods and fines from partner libraries may be different from those of Hinds CC Libraries (see circulation policies at https://www.library.msstate.edu/mlp/circ). Staff & patrons should be sure to note when materials from MLP are due. Because fines are assessed by partner libraries, Hinds CC patrons must contact that partner library to reconcile bills. Hinds CC Libraries are not responsible for fines outside of the Hinds CC library system. Non-Hinds CC patrons borrowing from Hinds CC through the MLP will have fines and lost book fees billed in Workflows. If the patron pays at their home library, the library will send Hinds CC a check (usually at the end of the fiscal year).
Hinds CC Library Circulation & Fine Policies
Books – Open Stacks
Open stack, regular books are checked out for two weeks to students and non-students. (This time may vary depending on the lending library and whether it came via ILL or the MLP.) Hinds patrons may renew materials once online and again in-person if no other Hinds patrons await the material. As the semester ends, the loan period may be shortened to allow the book to be due back before the end of the semester.
Problems that sometimes occur:
If the date due shown on the computer is longer than two weeks for a student, there is a problem and it should be corrected before the student receives the material.
Some students are not listed as students if they are working, or have worked, for the college as part-time workers, note takers, etc. The status of the student needs to be changed from “faculty” to “student.” The book will then need to be discharged and then re-charged for a two-week period.
Laptops are available for check out at all library locations. See Laptop checkout policies. Checkout periods are determined by the Administrative Librarians at each campus. The Hinds CC Nursing library allows laptops to be taken home for short periods. Other Hinds CC libraries do not allow the laptops to leave the library (see chart below). Laptops that are not returned when indicated are considered “overdue.” IT Support must be alerted through an email to Support with the laptop inventory number so that the Tracking device in the laptop can be activated. Fines are instituted accordingly at the librarian’s discretion. (See 5.8.2 Lost Materials - Lost or Damages Laptops/Tablets).
Several locations have DVDs, power cords, headsets, games and other materials available for checkout. The checkout periods for these vary at each campus. In most cases, headsets and other smaller items are on Reserve and cannot leave the library. DVDS usually have a checkout period of 3 days but some libraries allow DVDs to be checked out for 14 days (see chart below).
Some media purchased for classroom usage may be limited to faculty checkout only.
Materials on Reserve are typically available for shorter loan periods so that more people may have access to them. In most cases, these materials are available for 2 hour checkouts and cannot leave the library. Checkout periods may be determined by the faculty requesting the item to be on Reserve. Fines are instituted for late or lost items at the librarian’s discretion.
Items may be renewed at library discretion. One online self-renewal is allowed. After that, the item needs to be renewed at a Hinds CC or MLP Library.
Items can be recalled from a patron if they have had the item longer than the two-week checkout and it is needed by another patron. If a recall is warranted, library staff will contact the patron by email and phone to request that the item be returned asap.
Hinds Library Fine Policies
During the fall semester of 2017, Hinds Libraries decided to do away with Overdue Fines for books for students. Fines for lost items, late return of Reserve materials and late or lost laptops remain in force. Reserve fines are noted in the chart below. For Lost Items, students and non-students are charged the cost of the item plus $5 for processing. Though Hinds CC do not charge fines for overdue books, fines are still assessed by MLP partner libraries. Patrons should be sure to note when materials are due. Hinds Libraries are not responsible for fines outside of the Hinds CC Library system. Hinds patrons must contact that partner library to reconcile bills.
Loan Period and Fines by Campus
Loan & Fine Policy for ATC, RNK, RAY & UTC |
Item |
Loan Period |
Overdue Fines |
Maximum # |
Books – Open stacks |
2 Weeks (14 Days) |
$0.00 |
10 |
Books - Reserves |
2 Hours (In Library Use Only) or Faculty Choice |
$0.00 |
2 |
Headphones |
1 Day (In Library Use Only) |
$0.00 |
1 |
DVDs |
Movie 3 Days/Series 1 Week |
$0.00 |
5 |
Audiobooks |
2 Weeks (14 Days) |
$0.00 |
5 |
Tablets/Laptops |
4 Hours |
$5.00/hour |
1 |
Loan & Fine Policy for Nursing & VKB |
Item |
Loan Period |
Overdue Fines |
Maximum # |
Books – Open stacks |
2 weeks (14 days) |
$0.00 |
5 |
Books - Reserves |
2 Hours (In Library Use Only) or Faculty Choice |
$2.00/hour |
2 |
Headphones |
1 Day (In Library Use Only) |
$0.00 |
1 |
DVDs |
3 Days |
$0.00 |
4 |
Audiobooks |
2 Weeks (14 Days) |
$0.00 |
4 |
Tablets/Laptops |
4 hours |
$5.00/hour |
1 |
Devices (calculators, etc) Reserves |
2 hours |
$.50/hour |
1 |
5.8.2 Lost Materials
Lost Books
Students and non-students will be charged the cost of the item plus $5.00 processing fee for lost items. See below 5.8.4 Replacement of Lost or Damaged Materials. Staff must follow the proper procedures for paid lost books:
1) Complete the Lost and Paid Book form.
2) Bill the user for the amount paid.
5) Pay bill for overdue using “LOST” as Payment Type.
6) Discharge the book in Workflows
7) Forgive user for any late fees.
8) Give user information to designated person to have hold removed in Navigator.
9) Give form to Branch or Raymond Admin Librarian.
10) Send form to the Tech Services Librarian.
*See 5.3 Cashier Responsibilities for depositing lost item payment or paying in business office.
Lost DVDs/Media
Students and non-students will be charged the cost of the media/DVD plus a $5.00 processing fee*. (Reconsider if it is scratched and has been heavily used. Most DVDs have a life of 10-20 views). The cost of the DVD can be found in Workflows and can be rounded to the nearest dollar. If DVDs are stolen while in possession of a patron AND the patron shows a complete and signed Police Report of the robbery, the cost of the DVD will be waived.
Staff must follow the proper procedures for paid lost DVDs:
1) Complete the Lost and Paid Book form.
2) Bill the user for the amount paid.
3) Pay bill for overdue using “LOST” as Payment Type.
4) Discharge the book in Workflows
5) Forgive user for any late fees.
6) Give user information to designated person to have hold removed in Navigator.
7) Give form to Branch or Raymond Admin Librarian.
8) Send form to the Tech Services Librarian.
*See 5.3 Cashier Responsibilities for depositing lost item payment or paying in business office.
Lost or Damages Laptops/Tablets
All borrowers must sign an Hinds CC Library Laptop Computer Loan Agreement accepting responsibility for the repair or replacement of the laptop/tablet (up to $800) and/or peripherals (up to $50) in the event of loss, theft, or damage. An agreement will be signed each time the laptop is checked out (except for renewals) and will be kept on file by the administrative librarian till the end of the semester.
Fines and Actions Taken for Laptops
Because of the costly nature of laptops and the fact that they are a high use/need item for students, fines are strictly enforced for overdue, damaged, lost or stolent laptops. All libraries have a $5.00/hour overdue fine for laptops. For damaged or lost laptops, students are charged the cost of a laptop (currently $800.00). In some instances, if a laptop is taken from the library and the library is not notified by the student of its status, the laptop shall be considered "stolen." In such cases, the campus Academic Dean or Vice President will be notified, the librarian will notify IT through a Support Request and a police report will be filed. In all instances, a block will be put on the students account in both Sirsi and Colleague until the matter is resolved. In cases where the laptop is not returned in a timely matter, the student may lose laptop checkout privileges and the student may be blocked from ever checking out laptops in the future.
5.8.3 Damaged Materials
Items returned to the library will be considered “damaged” if they require extensive repairs OR the item is in a condition that is not reparable and is unable to be returned to circulation. Examples of damage include, but are not limited to water damage, mold, tears, missing items/pages, and writing on or in item. The library staff will assess damage at the time of return to determine if repairs can be made. If repair is not an option, the price of the item plus $5.00 will be charged to the user account.
5.8.4 Replacement of Lost or Damaged Materials
Users may opt to provide a replacement copy of lost or damaged items with the understanding that the replacement be in the appropriate format and good condition (new OR used with no markings). The lost or damaged fees will be waived if the replacement is accepted.
Loan Use and Liability
Laptops and laptop peripherals (power cords) may only be checked to current HCC students, faculty and staff with a current HCC ID and a government issued form of photo identification.
All borrowers must sign an HCC Library Laptop Computer Loan Agreement accepting responsibility for the repair or replacement of the laptop (up to $800) and/or peripherals (up to $50) in the event of loss, theft, or damage. An agreement will be filled out and signed each time the laptop is checked out (except for renewals) and will be kept on file.
Borrowers may not install their own software or change system settings.
LAPTOPS SHOULD NEVER BE LEFT UNATTENDED. HCC Learning Resources is not responsible if a laptop or laptop peripherals are stolen or damaged during the borrower's loan period. The borrower is responsible for the laptop and all peripherals until it has been returned and checked in by staff.
Laptop Policy
Laptops may be borrowed for a 2 –4 hour loan period. Overdue fines are $5 per hour.
Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis and may not be reserved or held for individual or group use.
Laptops are to remain in the campus Library for the duration of the loan period, and may be renewed once if no other borrower is waiting.
Laptops and laptop power cords must be returned and checked in to the Circulation Desk staff person. DO NOT leave the laptop unattended at the desk without proper staff check in.
Laptops will stop circulating one (1) hour before closing. All laptops are due back one (1) hour before the Circulation Desk closes regardless of when they were checked out.
Software Applications
Microsoft Office Suite (Access, Excel, InfoPath, OneNote, Powerpoint, Publisher, Sharepoint, and Word), Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Adobe.
Saving Files
Laptop borrowers may save via email, to a writable CD, or to a USB memory stick/key. These must be provided by the laptop borrower. Files can be temporarily saved to the MY DOCUMENTS folder, however, all files in this folder are deleted once the laptop is restarted or turned off.
Do not save files to the laptop! Laptop borrowers that restart the laptop computer or turn it off will lose their files as they ARE AUTOMATICALLY DELETED. Please make sure to save your files as mentioned under ‘Saving Files’ above.
Learning Resources is not responsible for lost information. It is the borrowers’ responsibility to properly save and store all user created information and files.
Remember to check battery life. Even though the power cord is with the borrower’s laptop, it is still advised to monitor power life of the laptop.
Laptop Support
Laptop borrowers will have support on laptop usage from the library’s circulation staff or IT Support at (601) 857-3344.