These websites create formatted citations in Chicago Manual of Style/Turabian from info you provide:
Here are a couple of citations examples. Be sure to use Hanging Indent, Single Space and Alphabetize!
Chicago Manual of Style / Turabian
Last Name, First Name and First Name Last Name. Title of Book. [ be sure to italicize] Edition. [if given] Publisher, year of publication.
Booth, Wayne C. and Gregory G. Colomb. The Craft of Research. 2nd ed. University of Chicago Press, 2003. Example of in-text citation [author and page. If no author, use title italicized]: (Booth 2003, 11). |
Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." [use quotes] Title of Journal, [vol. not written] #, no. # (month/season year): page numbers. Name of Database. [if used] URL.
Tolson, Nancy. “Making Books Available: The Role of Early Libraries, Librarians, and Booksellers in the Promotion of African American Children’s Literature.” African American Review, 32, no.1, (Spring 1998): 9-16. JSTOR. Example of in-text citation [author and page. If no author, use title in quotes]: (Tolson 1998, 10). Example of in-text citation [if in same paragraph as the fully-cited citation from the same source, page only]: (12). |
Last Name, First Name. [if given] "Title of Article or Page." [use quotes] Title of Web Site. [typically roman] Name of the Publisher, [if given] Date of Publication or Revision in Month Day Year format, Access Date if no other date is given, URL.
Example: “How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” eHow, April 21 2017, Example of in-text citation [website and date. If no date, insert a comma after the website and use n.d.]: (eHow 2017). |
Did you know that articles, ebooks and other materials from library databases will provide citations of your material according to Chicago Manual of Style format? BUT, be sure to double check ALL citation info to make sure that capitalization, italics and other formatting is correct. Here's how to do it in:
From EasyBib - How to Cite:
Chicago Manual of Style Resources for Students
Turabian... Chicago? Are they the same? The answer is Almost. Turabian is intended for use by students for essays. Chicago's audience is publishers and scholars.