These websites create formatted citations in MLA from your provided information:
Here are a couple of citations examples.
Note: Be sure to use Hanging Indent, Double Space and Alphabetize! Also note that APA only capitalizes the first word of titles and subtitles; also italicize title of books and journals and volume# of journal but not issue#).
Last Name, F. M., & Last Name, F. M. (Year of publication). Title of book: Capital letter for first word in title and subtitle [be sure to italicize] (Edition [if given]). Publisher City, Publisher State Abbreviation: Publisher.
Booth, W.C., & Gregory G. C. (2003). The craft of research (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Example of in-text citation [author and publication year. If no author, use title italicized, page number is encouraged, but not required]: (Booth & Gregory, 2003, p.25). |
Last Name, F. M. (Year Published). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), {title, vol must be italicized, Issue is not italicized}, page numbers. doi: number or Retrieved from url (if from online)
Tolson, N. (1998). Making books available: The role of early libraries, librarians, and booksellers. African American Review, 32 (1), 9-16. Retrieved from Example of in-text citation [author last name, year of publication. If no author, use title in quotes. Page number is encouraged, but not required]: (Tolson, 1998, p.25). |
Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title [Format if media]. Retrieved from url
Example: PBSoffbook. (2013, October 3). How to be creative [Video file]. Retrieved from Example of in-text citation [author and date. If no author, use title in quotes. Page number is encouraged but not required, if no page number, use paragraph number]: (PBSoffbook, 2013). |
Did you know that articles, ebooks and other materials from library databases will provide citations of your material in APA format? BUT, be sure to double check ALL citation info to make sure that capitalization, italics and other formatting is correct. Here's how to do it in:
From EasyBib - How to Cite:
What do I do if Information is missing i.e. my article doesn't have an author? (from Columbia College, Vancouver)