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Researching and Citing

This guide provides assistance in finding, evaluating, and citing sources to use in research.

Online Citation Tools: A Note

While Microsoft Word, certain databases and other on-line resources such as EasyBib offer automatic MLA/APA formatting tools for citations, these systems are not always accurate or complete and do not allow for formatting of all pertinent information.

If you use these online tools it is important to double check the accuracy of your results against a style sheet such as those linked to in this guide.

Instructor Requirements Differ!

Be aware that some instructors may have additional or specialized requirements for your citations. For example, while MLA 2009 format does not require you to include the full URL in your citation, some instructors prefer that you do.

Always be cognizant of class requirements and seek confirmation from classmates or your instructor.

Style Guides

These style guides are for the most commonly used styles at Hinds Community College

Citation Links