Students have access to Microsoft Office 365 through your Hinds Email account. This gives you online access to Word, Excel and Power Point as well as One Drive storage.
Perform a title search using the Library Catalog, look for titles relevant to your subject and designed for Respiratory professionals. Use the title that is the most useful to you to provide the following information:
Call Number:
Location: (where can the title found)
Place of Publication:
Date of Publication:
Subject Headings in the Catalog that can link to related materials:
Use this search box to search the physical holdings of the library (books, DVDs, etc).
Hinds CC offers a variety of databases for research. You may choose the database based upon the subject you are researching such as Business or Nursing. Using the indicated database, locate articles relevant to your topic. You may have to use one or more of the keywords or “see also” terms in order to narrow your search to articles relevant to your task. You may select specific databases here:
You can search all of the databases at one time with the Discover@Hinds search box in the library page.
Take the Plagiarism Tutorial
Is copying someone else's work without acknowledgment ok?
What is "common knowledge?"
Which of the following requires a citation?
Information gained from an interview or conversation
Use of exact words
Use of your own experiences or ideas
Information taken from a book, magazine, or web content
Use of generally accepted facts, e.g., smoking is bad for you
Reuse or reposting of electronic images and/or videos
Use of "common knowledge"
Review the following items and determine which need citations. Explain why a citation is needed.
1. This semester we learned about diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases. There was much more to learn than I had expected.
2. Amazingly 48% of students find this assignment to be a waste of time.
3. Even though facts are constantly being shown that smoking is hazardous to one's health, people continue to smoke.
4. The median annual wage for respiratory therapists was $55,870 in May 2012.
5. Coughing in the theater is not a respiratory ailment. It is a criticism. (Alan Jay Lerner)
Citation Aides:
Using an item (book. article, and/or website) from your searches above, create an APA citation as would be used for a paper's reference page or a bib card.
Using the same item from above, create a short paragraph that would require a citation (quote, statistical information, summarization, or paraphrasing); use the APA citation format.