Note-taking is a highly underrated skill. Good notes can make the writing process smoother and help you keep up with the information you need for your paper.
To prevent errors, label the note cards with information related to the source as well as whether the note is a quote (Q), paraphrase (P) or a summary (S). This will prevent you from having to look up the original source to verify the information.
Create Master Notecards that include the full publication information for each source. Number or letter these cards so that you don't have to write the full citation on each note card. Be sure to include the page number on cards that include quotes, but otherwise just include the master notecard id on the notecard.
When you are writing your paper, note cards will simplify your search for the correct information. Also the master cards will help you quickly create your reference list.
If you don't like using note cards, set up a notebook/binder with sections for each source. Or use an online tablet such as OneNote with sections or tabs for each source.
1. As soon as you receive your patient information, begin to familiarize yourself with the patient's diagnosis.
2. Review the diagnosis, pathology, and labs to get an idea of what information you will need for the case study.
3. You will need to allow time each week for research.
4. You may need to prewrite (jot down your thoughts and write a preliminary rough draft) in order to organize your research; use an outline to help organize your thoughts.
5. Revision is key. Get others to read your paper and give you feedback. You may realize that more research is needed as you revise.
6. Editing requires many rereads because you cannot catch all of your errors in one read.
7. Finally, double check, one more time in order to catch any errors that may have been missed.
8. Submit your paper on time.