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In Circulation...
Geography by Jason ShattuckAs the study of the diverse environments and places of Earth's surface, geography seeks to answer the questions of why things are as they are, where they are. This insightful volume delves into physical geography, which is concerned with places, and human geography, which deals with the people in the places--how and why they live where they do, and how their social, economic, and cultural characteristics vary from one place to another. Other subjects include topical geography, regional geography, historical geography, cartography, and maps, atlases, and globes and how to read them.
Call Number: G133 .G47 2017 - Rankin Library
ISBN: 9781508104285
Publication Date: 2016-12-15
Geography: a Visual Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley Publishing StaffCreated in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution, Geography: A Visual Encyclopedia explores every aspect of our world, from the North to the South Pole, and from the outer atmosphere to the fiery core and from natural processes to human impact. Discover terrifying earthquakes, priceless gemstones, and storms that can destroy buildings. Understand how weather works, what causes the seasons, and the power of water to shape the landscape. Explore life on Earth, and countries and cultures from all around the world. Packed with facts, maps, explanations, illustrations, and photographs, Geography: A Visual Encyclopedia is the ultimate guide to our planet.
Call Number: G133 .W76 2013 - Vicksburg Library
ISBN: 9781465412188
Publication Date: 2013-06-17
The Water Kingdom by Philip BallFrom the Yangtze to the Yellow River, China is traversed by great waterways, which have defined its politics and ways of life for centuries. Water has been so integral to China's culture, economy, and growth and development that it provides a window on the whole sweep of Chinese history. In The Water Kingdom, renowned writer Philip Ball opens that window to offer an epic and powerful new way of thinking about Chinese civilization. Water, Ball shows, is a key that unlocks much of Chinese culture. In The Water Kingdom, he takes us on a grand journey through China's past and present, showing how the complexity and energy of the country and its history repeatedly come back to the challenges, opportunities, and inspiration provided by the waterways. Drawing on stories from travelers and explorers, poets and painters, bureaucrats and activists, all of whom have been influenced by an environment shaped and permeated by water, Ball explores how the ubiquitous relationship of the Chinese people to water has made it an enduring metaphor for philosophical thought and artistic expression. From the Han emperors to Mao, the ability to manage the waters ― to provide irrigation and defend against floods ― was a barometer of political legitimacy, often resulting in engineering works on a gigantic scale. It is a struggle that continues today, as the strain of economic growth on water resources may be the greatest threat to China's future. The Water Kingdom offers an unusual and fascinating history, uncovering just how much of China's art, politics, and outlook have been defined by the links between humanity and nature.
Call Number: DS727 .B355 2017 - Raymond Library
ISBN: 9780226369204
Publication Date: 2017-05-05
Why Don't Americans Vote? by Bridgett A. King (Editor); Kathleen Hale (Editor)This timely book provides a thought-provoking discussion of issues that influence voter registration and turnout in contemporary America. * Provides readers with the historical context of registration and voting in the United States * Offers a broad overview of these issues today * Showcases the various ways federal and state governments have responded to low voter turnout * Helps readers make their own educated assessment of the concerns discussed
Call Number: JK1976 .W49 2016 - Jackson ATC Library
ISBN: 9781440841156
Publication Date: 2016-07-11
Atlas of the World by Oxford (Editor)The only world atlas updated annually, guaranteeing that users will find the most current geographic information, Oxford's Atlas of the World is the most authoritative atlas on the market. Full of crisp, clear cartography of urban areas and virtually uninhabited landscapes around the globe,the Atlas is filled with maps of cities and regions at carefully selected scales that give a striking view of the Earth's surface. It opens with a fascinating look at world statistics, a six-page special on "Land and Maritime Boudaries," and satellite images of earth, including 8-10 stunning newimages sourced from NASA's latest Earth Observation Satellite, Landsat 8, launched in 2013. The extraordinarily extensive front matter continues with a "Gazetteer of Nations" that has been comprehensively checked and updated to include recent economic and political changes. The 48-page "Introductionto World Geography" is beautifully illustrated with tables and graphs on numerous topics of geographic significance, such as climate change, world religions, employment, industry, and a new 2-page feature tourism and travel, including information on air travel and major airports, the importance oftourism to the economy, and tourist earnings and spending. The hundreds of city and world maps that form the body of the Atlas have been thoroughly updated for this 25th edition.Providing the finest global coverage available, the Atlas of the World is not only the best-selling volume of its size and price, but also the benchmark by which all other atlases are measured.
Call Number: G1021 .O946 2018 - Raymond Library
ISBN: 9780190913038
Publication Date: 2018-10-14
2017 Road Atlas by Rand McNallyThe Rand McNally Road Atlas is the most trusted and best-selling US atlas on the market. This updated North American atlas contains maps of every U.S. state and Canadian province, an overview map of Mexico, and detailed inset maps of over 350 cities and 20 U.S. national parks. Road construction and conditions contact information for every state conveniently located above the maps. Contains mileage chart showing distances between 90 North American cities and national parks along with a driving times map.
Other Features
Best of the Road - Our editor's favorite road trips from our Best of the Road collection follows scenic routes along stretches of coastline, both east and west, to forests mountains, and prairies; and through small towns and big cities. For a weekend or a week there s something for everyone.
Tell Rand As much as we work to keep our atlases up to date, conditions change quickly and new construction projects begin frequently. If you know of something we haven't captured in our atlas, let us know at
Tourism websites and phone numbers for every U.S. state and Canadian province on map pages
Call Number: G1201 .P2 R35 2017 - Jackson ATC Library
ISBN: 9780528015472
Publication Date: 2016-04-15
Concise World Atlas by Dorling Kindersley Publishing StaffRelief shown by shading. Depths shown by gradient tints.
The D-Day Atlas by Charles MessengerD-Day was the culmination of four years of planning and preparation that began in the summer of 1940 when Britain stood alone and under imminent threat of German cross-Channel invasion. Charles Messenger's vivid study of the landings and subsequent campaign chronicles the gradual evolution of the invasion plan, encompassing the intelligence efforts, the Ango-US strategic debate over where the Allies should attack, and the elaborate deception put in place to fool the Germans about the true D-Day objective. The build-up culminates in a day-by-day account of the landings by sea and by air on the beaches of Normandy--Utah,Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword--and the ensuing grim struggle for six weeks to break through the German defenses.At the heart of this fascinating re-creation of the D-Day campaign are seventy-one maps in full color, which incorporate the latest computer technology. Many are in fact based on the very same maps used by the Allies in 1944. Specially commissioned reconstruction drawings and 82 contemporary photographs help bring the beaches of Normandy to life.