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Early Childhood Development Technology

This guide provides information regarding HCC Libraries Collection and services supporting the Early Childhood Technology

Examples of APA in Reference Page & In-Text Citations

Here are a couple of citations examples. 

Note:  Be sure to use Hanging Indent, Double Space and Alphabetize! Also note that APA only capitalizes the first word of titles and subtitles; also italicize title of books and journals and volume# of journal but not issue#).



Last Name, F. M., & Last Name, F. M. (Year of publication). Title of book: Capital letter for first word in title and subtitle [be sure to italicize] (Edition [if given]).  Publisher City, Publisher State Abbreviation: Publisher.


Booth, W.C., & Gregory G. C. (2003). The craft of research (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Example of in-text citation [author and publication year. If no author, use title italicized, page number is encouraged, but not required]:

(Booth & Gregory, 2003, p.25).


Last Name, F. M. (Year Published). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), {title, vol must be italicized, Issue is not italicized}, page numbers. doi: number or Retrieved from url (if from online) 


Tolson, N. (1998). Making books available: The role of early libraries, librarians, and booksellers. African American Review, 32 (1), 9-16. Retrieved from

Example of in-text citation [author last name, year of publication.  If no author, use title in quotes. Page number is encouraged, but not required]:

(Tolson, 1998, p.25).


Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title [Format if media]. Retrieved from url


PBSoffbook. (2013, October 3). How to be creative [Video file]. Retrieved from

Example of in-text citation [author and date.  If no author, use title in quotes. Page number is encouraged but not required, if no page number, use paragraph number]:

(PBSoffbook, 2013).