National Storytelling Week is celebrated January 30 - February 7. Storytellers gather in schools, libraries, museums, and other venues to celebrate this ancient form of entertainment.
World Storytelling Day is celebrated March 20, at (or near) the Spring Equinox. Originating in Oslo, Norway, participants tell and listen to as many stories in as many languages in as many places as possible. Participants are encouraged to share their events and stories to learn, inspire others, and create international contacts. The theme for 2024 event was "Building Bridges."
National Tell a Story Day is celebrated April 27. People of all ages, races, genders, ethnic groups, and backgrounds are encouraged to gather together and share their stories.
Stories teach, inspire, influence, and educate us, conveying enjoyment, cultural traits, and values across geographical and personal barriers.
Everyone has a story!
Kimberly Smith
Administrative Librarian
Rankin Library
3805 Hwy 80 E
Pearl, MS 39208